Friday, March 22, 2024

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Right-wing Lies

 Sometimes we are a little silly. Facebook got steamed up about a picture I posted - which came with the headline from a magazine article.

You know what they're like - oh, we are going to move this post down into some forgotten closet, because it goes against our principles. Why don't you post pictures of kittens anymore?

Or Gaza - they don't seem to mind photographs from Gaza 😒.

Now, Facebook will add the first picture (and yes, it's a cutie all right) if one were to publish this on their social media platform, rather than the second. Sigh! 

Anyway, now we are all happy, I suppose, and I can get on with my point.

The article comes from a Spanish right-wing bank-supported website with appropriate news and opinion. It's called The Corner.

It publishes in English. 

Their title today: 'Immigrants – 8.8 million – account for 18.1% of population in Spain'.

(With a nice photograph of us immigrants – I mean, the ones at the top left in the picture, of course).


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