Monday, February 06, 2023

How Many Foreigners Live in Mojácar?

As Mojácar gets the green light from the Junta de Andalucía for its PGO - its growth plans for the next few years - how is the population evolving?

Figures are always excruciatingly exact with the Spanish bean-counters, and usually wrong. Here we have the study as regards those on the padrón at January 1st 2022. Those not on the padrón (the town halls registry of inhabitants), plus all the short-term visitors and tourists, evidently are not considered. 

Also, we are fourteen months away from the beginning of 2022. Things will have changed.

Furthermore - a question - are those foreign children born in Mojácar considered as 'mojaqueros' or as 'extranjeros'?

The figures:

Born in Mojácar: 18.9% of the population: 1,424 (does this include extranjeros?)

From the rest of Spain: 27.39% of the population (2,062).

Foreigners: 53.69% (4,041). 

Of the foreigners, 53.1% are British - far ahead of Romania (4.4%), France (4.4%), Germany (3.7%) and Italy (3.2%). 

The Brits living in Mojácar number 2,147 souls officially.


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