A bit like the 'Big One' which
threatens California, Britons living in Europe are worried about the
distant rumblings of a possible retreat by London from the EU known
as 'the Brexit'. What would the departure of the United Kingdom from
the European Union mean for the two million or so Britons living in
Europe, and, does anyone in the UK care?
The answer to the second question is
easy enough. They don't. This is because we Britons living in Europe
have no voice, no champion, no representation.
If London left Europe, then the Britons
living in France, in Spain, in Germany or in Poland would find their
lives changed considerably, but worst of all, no one knows by how
much. It would not even be a decision made by the British as to what
would happen to us, after all, they would no longer be a part of the
European Parliament. In Spain, we would expect to be treated as
non-European citizens with the return of work permits. We would have
convertible accounts at the bank and a visa in our passport. We would
lose medical coverage and social security. We would of course lose
the vote locally (many of us have already lost it in the UK) leaving
us even more 'voiceless and forgotten'. Even the Gibraltarians have
more rights that we do.
Would we be thrown out of Spain? The
eccentric Mr Farage, leader of the 'euro-sceptics' thinks not – we
are such a benefit to our Spanish hosts, pumping in money to the
country by the hour. I don't agree.
Britain is a country, that like any
other, is ruled by opinion and experience. We, the 'ex-pats', are
neither popular nor appreciated. But the looming referendum is not
about us, it is about the future of Britain itself. What to do with
all these pesky Europeans who are filling up the country, taking our
jobs and our women? Particularly the Eastern Europeans, who will work
for half of what any self-respecting Briton would expect.
So, if Britain decides against staying
in Europe, despite the inevitable loss of earnings by the chocolate
factory who sells sweeties to Poland, or the paper handkerchief
manufacturer with twenty four languages squeezed onto the box, the
battle is not about British industry, it is to do with the
If the bigots win, then the Poles and
the Lithuanians and the Romanians will need to leave. But so, of
course, will the 200,000 Spaniards living in the UK, and the 350,000
Frenchmen. Despite this, does anyone seriously think that Madrid or
Paris would nevertheless accept Farage's nonsense and allow us all to
Which begs the next question. Where
would Whitehall put us all? Tents on Salisbury Plain?
Perhaps Brussels should take care of us
(as currently, we are still Europeans) and draw up a plan to create a
kind of Nissan Passport to give those of us about to be defenestrated
by the British voter special rights as Europe's first full citizens.
But, putting fantasy to the side for a
moment, the bottom line for a possible departure of Britain from the
European Union leaves this all-important uncertainty – no one
speaks for us, therefore, we receive no answer.
What is going to happen to us?